5 tips to encourage young artists include, but not limited to, the following; supplies, exposure, praise, encourage, games. When you notice that your child is interested in some form of art, whether it’s drawing, modelling clay, colouring or even creating patterns in the sand, encourage them - art after all, is open to interpretation. Then you need to look at ways to inspire your budding artist.

Below are several ideas to provide your child with the opportunity to explore their artistic activities.
- Art Supplies
The most important part of the encouragement process is to have readily accessible art supplies, such as:
- Paper
A4 Sheets, an unlined book or even a giant paper roll – as long as it is a blank canvas to which your budding artist can apply his/her artistry, and create new ‘master pieces’, on.
- Crayons
Whether wax or pencil that your little artist enjoys working with, whether wax-crayon drawings or pencil-crayon portraits, do try and ensure that the colours represent the colour palette accurately and that they are bold colours.
- Felt Tip Pens/ Koki’s
These are always a ‘nice-to-have’ item, which often encourages and helps artists experiment with various mediums, colours and colour combinations.
- Paints/ Oil Pastels
As these can be rather messy, parental assistance is recommended for smaller kids. This medium is great for mixing, blending and learning about the colour wheel.
- Play Dough
A good quality play dough is great as it lasts long and does not become sticky, is easy to blend the colours and create awesome models and designs.
- Colouring Books/ Printed Sheets
As these are easily transported, they are really excellent when out and about, whether at a restaurant or at a friends’ house. Take out the colouring book and some crayons to see your artist on the move.
- Scissors/ Glue/ Old Magazines
Finding pictures, cutting them out and sticking them onto new art pieces is ideal in developing fine motor skills, as well as boosting creativity and encouraging multi-media art.
- Stickers
Creating pictures and adding stickers offers an outstanding benefit to mixed-media and can add texture to a paper drawing.
Have a look at the Mideer 4 in 1 Art Stationery Set or the Mideer Borax Free Clay now in stock.

- Praise
Sometimes your child will create something that has taken them a long time and other times it could be a quick idea that they have created. Even if the result is not to your liking, you should praise their determination, experimentation, use of texture or colour and attention to detail. Use it as an opportunity to chat to them asking them to explain why they chose the colours or subject. Discuss how the piece in question makes them feel and what does it make them think of. Art is a journey and it has a story to tell. Praise their story. Encourage both creativity and dialogue through discussion.
- Exposure
By taking them to art galleries, museums, craft fairs, pottery workshops, street-art areas, statue gardens they can experience art in the real world. Real world exposure shows that there is a demand for art and it can also give them some ideas for their own work.
- Encourage
Encourage them to spend time on colouring or doodling, choosing colours and enjoying what they do. Make it easy for them to take their artistic activities with them when out and about like in car on long drives or just when going out somewhere by having it all within reach so that they can dig into their backpack and take out paper or a book and draw what they see.
- Games and Activities
Games such as Pictionary and ‘Spot the difference’ encourage perceptive drawing and interpretation as well as attention to detail and comparative skills.
Some other great ideas for encouraging young kids in the arts are available on our website: