Creative Packed Lunch Ideas for Kids

Creative Packed Lunch Ideas for Kids

Creative Packed Lunch Ideas for Kids

Creative Packed Lunch Ideas for Kids

As we are still experiencing chilly mornings and cozy afternoons. It's essential to provide your kids with nutritious and comforting packed lunches to keep them energised and warm throughout the day. Here are some delicious and creative packed lunch ideas with a Heritage Day twist that are sure to delight the kids:

Check out the iKids range of lunch and snack boxes 


Baby Crown Formula Dispenser
  1. Bunny Chow: This iconic South African dish is perfect for warming up your kids on cold winter days. Fill hollowed-out bread rolls with flavourful curry, such as chicken, beef, or vegetable. Pack the curry in a thermos to keep it warm until lunchtime where they can scoop the curry into the hollowed-out bread roll.
  1. Bobotie Muffins: Give a twist to the traditional bobotie by baking them into muffin-sized portions. These savoury muffins, filled with spiced minced meat, and an egg custard topping, are a hit among kids. Remember to pack some chutney for dipping.
  1. Butternut Soup: A hearty butternut soup is a comforting option for winter lunches. Make a big batch over the weekend and pack it in a thermos for your kids to enjoy at school. Add a slice of crusty bread or some cheese sticks for extra satisfaction.
  1. Mini Vetkoek with Minced Meat: Vetkoek, a deep-fried dough bread, can be made in mini sizes and filled with savoury minced meat for a delicious lunch option. These can be eaten warm or at room temperature, making them perfect for packed lunches.
  1. Samoosa Wraps: Create a healthier version of the traditional samoosa by wrapping spiced meat or vegetable fillings in whole wheat tortillas. These wraps are easy to make and can be customized according to your kids' preferences.
  1. Sweet Potato and Lentil Salad: Roasted sweet potatoes combined with cooked lentils make for a nutritious and filling salad option. Add some fresh greens, cherry tomatoes, and a zesty dressing to create a vibrant and flavourful meal.
  1. Ostrich Biltong and Cheese Platter: South African kids love biltong, so why not include it in their packed lunches? Pair it with slices of cheese, crackers, and some dried fruit for a balanced and satisfying meal.

Separate parts of the prepared lunches in bento style lunch boxes, perfectly compartmentalised for perfect lunches. 


Lunch Box
  1. Boerewors Rolls: Grilled boerewors served in a roll with tomato and onion relish is a classic favourite among kids. A fun twist for this dish is to chop the boerewors into bite size pieces and put them onto a skewer stick, serve with tomato sauce or chutney for dipping. Pack it in a lunchbox along with some crunchy vegetable sticks for a wholesome meal.
  1. Mielie Pap and Tomato Relish: Cooked maize meal, known as mielie pap, is a staple in many South African households. Serve it with a homemade tomato relish for a simple yet comforting lunch option.
  1. Milk Tart Smoothie: Transform the flavours of a traditional milk tart into a creamy smoothie. Blend together milk, yogurt, cinnamon, and a dash of vanilla extract for a delicious and nutritious treat that kids will love.

When packing more than one item it is best to pack lunches into a lunch bag which offers temperature control and keeps all the boxes together neatly.


Lunch Bag


Remember to pack your kids' lunches with plenty of love and care, and don't forget to include some South African-inspired snacks or treats for an extra special touch. With these nutritious and creative packed lunch ideas, your kids are sure to stay warm, satisfied, and fuelled for a day of learning and play.


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