Developing Critical and Lateral Thinking Skills

Developing Critical and Lateral Thinking Skills

Developing Critical and Lateral Thinking Skills

Developing critical thinking and lateral thinking skills in children is crucial for their intellectual growth and future success. Critical thinking skills allow children to analyse, evaluate and make judgments about information, while lateral thinking skills enable them to think creatively and outside the box. One way to support the development of these skills in children is through games. Games offer a fun and engaging way to encourage critical thinking and lateral thinking skills while also promoting social skills and teamwork.


Here are some game ideas that parents can use to support their child's critical thinking and lateral thinking development:

  1. Brain teasers and puzzles: Brain teasers and puzzles are excellent tools for developing critical thinking skills. They require children to think logically, use problem-solving skills, and use reasoning to solve a problem. Sudoku, crossword puzzles, and jigsaw puzzles are great examples of brain teasers and puzzles that can help develop critical thinking skills.
  2. Board games: Board games are a great way to encourage children to think critically and strategically. Games like chess, Monopoly, and Risk require players to make decisions based on probabilities and consequences. These games can teach children to think ahead and consider different scenarios.
  3. Role-playing games: Role-playing games are fantastic for developing lateral thinking skills. Games like Dungeons and Dragons allow children to think creatively and come up with solutions to problems. These games require children to imagine different scenarios and come up with unique solutions to problems, which can help develop their lateral thinking skills.
  4. Mind games: Mind games are fun and challenging games that require children to think critically and creatively. Games like Mastermind, which requires players to guess a hidden code, or Rush Hour, which requires players to move cars out of a traffic jam, can help children develop problem-solving skills and improve their lateral thinking abilities.
  5. Logic games: Logic games are excellent for developing critical thinking skills. Games like 2048, which requires players to slide tiles and combine numbers to reach a specific goal, or Minesweeper, which requires players to identify where mines are hidden on a grid, can help children develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

When playing these games with children, it is important to encourage them to think critically and creatively. Ask questions that require them to think deeper, encourage them to come up with their solutions, and praise them for their efforts. It's also important to let children make mistakes and learn from them. This can help them develop their problem-solving skills and resilience.

iKids offer a large variety of educational games for children of all ages. 


In addition to playing games, there are other ways to support children's critical thinking and lateral thinking development. Reading books, watching movies, and engaging in conversation about different topics can also encourage children to think critically and creatively. Encourage children to ask questions, express their opinions, and explore different ideas.

Developing critical thinking and lateral thinking skills is essential for children's intellectual growth and future success. Games offer a fun and engaging way to encourage the development of these skills. When playing games with children, it is important to encourage them to think critically and creatively and to let them make mistakes and learn from them. By supporting children's critical thinking and lateral thinking development, parents can help them become more confident, creative, and successful in their future endeavours.


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